
Kulfi Original Malai 5ltr

Kulfi Original Malai 5ltr

The finest Vanilla is used to ensure a rich and smooth vanilla taste, one of the best vanilla you will ever taste

Product code: 6359
Pack size: 1 x 5ltr

Meta description: The finest Vanilla is used to ensure a rich and smooth vanilla taste, one of the best vanilla you will ever tasteAlt text: Kulfi Original Malai

Kulfi Mango 5ltr

Kulfi Mango 5ltr

This sophisticated blend of mango gelato is laced with fresh mango sauce. A truly indulgent experience.

Product code: 3499
Pack size: 1 x 5ltr

Meta description: This sophisticated blend of mango gelato is laced with fresh mango sauce. A truly indulgent experience.Alt text: Kulfi Mango

Kulfi Pistachio 5ltr

Kulfi Pistachio 5ltr

A soft green pistachio gelato combined with Sicilian pistachio nuts, creating the perfect combination for any nut lover.

Product code: 8206
Pack size: 1 x 5ltr

Meta description: A soft green pistachio gelato combined with Sicilian pistachio nuts, creating the perfect combination for any nut lover.Alt text: Kulfi Pistachio

Kulfi Original Malai 1ltr

Kulfi Original Malai 1ltr

Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.

Product code: 9019
Pack size: 8 x 1ltr

Meta description: Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.Alt text: Kulfi Original Malai 1ltr

Kulfi Mango 1Ltr

Kulfi Mango 1Ltr

Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.

Product code: 8580
Pack size: 8 x 1ltr

Meta description: Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.Alt text: Kulfi Mango 1ltr

Kulfi Pistachio 1ltr

Kulfi Pistachio 1ltr

Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.

Product code: 6295
Pack size: 8 x 1ltr

Meta description: Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.Alt text: Kulfi Pistachio 1ltr

Kulfi Original Malai Sticks

Kulfi Original Malai Sticks

Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.

Product code: 9895
Pack size: 24 x 70ml

Meta description: Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.Alt text: Kulfi Original Malai Sticks

Kulfi Mango Sticks

Kulfi Mango Sticks

Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.

Product code: 4042
Pack size: 24 x 70ml

Meta description: Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.Alt text: Kulfi Mango Sticks

Kulfi Pistachio Sticks

Kulfi Pistachio Sticks

Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.

Product code: 7044
Pack size: 24 x 70ml

Meta description: Kulfi Ice is made from a unique recipe using the finest ingredients, blended together with fresh milk and cream to give you a whole new exotic experience.Alt text: Kulfi Pistachio Sticks

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Very good customer service. Every month I have new deals to select from the brochure with amazing prices. Highly recommend.

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Really good service. Best support from the team in regards to any issues or concerns.They do good deals on ice creams and frozen food. Definitely recommend them.
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